The head (chief accountant) The credit organization
1. A post, on which candidate proposed: ______________________. 2. Name: Andrey Marin. 3. A birth date and birth place: 25.04. 57, Kuibyshev 4. Citizenship: the Russian Federation 5. Data of the personal passport: № 45 03 398782, Home Affairs Branch «Ramenki» of Moscow, 12.07. 2002 6. A home address, phone:12, Rammenki Street, 117607, Moscow, Russia. 7. Formation: the higher. What an educational institution has ended, year of the termination: - The Moscow aviation institute in 1980; 8. A speciality by training: - The mechanical engineer; 9. Improvement of professional skill: - Postgraduate study MAI in 1985 - Evening mechanical-mathematical branch of the Moscow State University 1982-1985. - Institute of the higher administrative personnel ANH in 1993 - The educational centre of the International exchange and trading union a course of lectures "Securities market" in 1993 - Professional development and retraining at financial academy in 1995; The acquired profession is the economist of a bank and insurance business. 10. Knowledge of foreign languages: English. 11. Previous conviction: have no previous convictions. 12. A place of employment and a position at the moment of questionnaire filling (a place of employment and a position at the moment of questionnaire filling (to give the detailed description of official duties): the chairman of directors committee of credit bank "Diamond-bank" – preparation of a bank for sale.
The past works:
The Moscow aviation institute
- 01 .11.77-31.12.77 The senior laboratory assistant
- 01.04.78 - 15.05.78 The senior laboratory assistant
- 01.10.78 - 31.12.78 The senior laboratory assistant
- 15.02.79 - 15.05.79 The senior laboratory assistant
- 01.09.74 - 01.03.80 The full-time student
- 15.05.80 - 30.09.82 The engineer of applied-research laboratory, department 607
- 15.12.83 - 20.12.83 The research organization of department 607
- 01.10.82 - 0.09.85 The post-graduate student
- 21.12.83 - 20.02.84 Junior researcher of research organization - 607
- 21.02.84 - 20.06.85 Junior researcher of research organization - 607
- 01.09.85 - 30.09.85 Junior researcher of research organization - 607
- 09.10.85 - 16.09.87 Junior researcher of research organization - 607
- 16.09.87 - 31.03.90 The scientific officer of research organization - 607
- 01.04.90 - 31.05.90 Senior scientific officer of research organization - 607
- 31.05.90 Voluntary termination, the labor code article 31
- 01.06. 90-13.08.90 Joint enterprise "Elcom-Auto", the leading expert
- 13.08.90 It is appointed to the post directors of small-scale enterprise «SEM\SIM» as transfer.
- 13.08.90 - 15.06.93 The director of small-scale enterprise «SEM\SIM»
- 16.06.93 It is appointed to the post the chief of credit department of branch "Urals-Moscow" "Chelyabkomzembank" as transfer.
- 16.06.93 - 01.08.94 Branch "Urals-Moscow" " Chelyabkomzembank ", the chief of credit department. Official duties: preparation of the typical documentation of credit department; attraction of solvent borrowers; an operative management of activity of credit department; selection, arrangement and training of personnel; the analysis of the technical and economic assessment of credits; the control over target use and timely return of credit resources; attraction and placing interbank lending, including on trading platforms MFD and the Cash Union; carrying out of speculative operations in market of interbank lending; the organization of work of a bank on equity markets, including operations with privatization checks, actions of a banks and state credit obligations.
- 01.08.94 Voluntary termination, the labor code article 31 RSFSR
- 22.08.94-01.12.95 Bank "Aeroflot", the head of department of interbank operations of the bank. Official duties: an operative management of management activity; selection, arrangement and training of personnel; attraction and placing roubles and currency interbank lending, including the organization of trading platforms of a bank; dealing in market interbank lending, the analysis of a financial condition of a banks-counterparts, definition of their liquidity and reliability; definition of limits for borrowing banks; the analysis of profitableness of operations in market interbank lending and its comparison to profitableness of other financial tools; maintenance of liquidity of a bank and an operational administration actives.
- 01.12.95 Voluntary termination, the labor code article 31 RSFSR
- 04.12.95-21.12.95 The credit bank "Acropolis", the vice-president of board (the report of meeting of Founders №6 from 21.12.95) Official duties: the organization and a management of operative activity of a bank; reception has put from the past management of a bank.
- 21.12.95-05.09.97 The credit bank "Acropolis", the chairman of board (article 31) Official duties: the organization and a management of operative activity of a bank; working out of positions about structural divisions of a bank; selection, preparation and use of personnel; representation of interests of a bank in state and municipal authorities, the commercial enterprises and the organizations; maintenance of performance flowing and long-term plans of a bank, legality observance in activity of a bank, timeliness of payment of taxes in an order and the sizes established by the current legislation, granting when due hereunder reports on bank activity; observance of a trade secrets of a bank, the control over activity of structural divisions of a bank.
- 05.09.97 Voluntary termination, the labor code article 31 RSFSR
- 25.09.97-01.02.98: The Moscow bank of a science and technologies development “Technobank”, an alternate vice-president board. Official duties: the organization and management of operative activity of a bank in the financial markets; maintenance of performance flowing and bank long-term plans, management of actives and risks of a bank, a methodical management of the analysis of profitableness and bank risks.
- 01.02.98-10.03.98: The vice-president of Board MBNRIT "Technobank". Official duties: the Organization and a management of operative activity of a bank in the financial markets; working out of positions about structural divisions of a bank; maintenance of performance flowing and bank long-term plans, management of actives and risks of a bank, a methodical management of the analysis of profitableness and bank risks.
- 10.03.98-01.09.98: The first Vice-president of Board MBNRIT "Technobank". Official duties: Carrying out of reorganization of structure of management of a bank; the organization and a management of operative activity of a bank in the financial markets; a current work management of exchequer and «back-office»; maintenance of performance flowing and bank long-term plans, management of actives and risks of a bank, a methodical management of the analysis of profitableness and bank risks.
- 01.09.98 Voluntary termination, the labor code article 31 RSFSR
- 28.03.00-28.08.00: The president of «National bank of savings» bank. Official duties: Carrying out of preselling preparation of a bank, including turning of actives and passives, a putting in order of the documentation and archival documents; working out of business plans for development of a bank; a current job management of a bank.
- 28.08.00 Voluntary termination, the labor code article 31 RSFSR
- 01.02.01-04.03.02: The director general of Closed Joint-Stock Company «MFD-MARKETS of capitals». Official duties: Working out and introduction of the venture project on the organization of information-trading system for the interbank markets with using Internet technologies, including: working out of the technical project, business plans, profitability calculation, attraction of a banks - potential participants of system to its testing and use, carrying out of the test auctions; working out and support of an auxiliary Internet site.
- 04.03.02 Voluntary termination, the labor code article 31 RSFSR
- 18.04.00 - on present time: Entrepreneur without formation of legal person, the certificate 16.13904 is registered by MRP 18.04.2000. Official duties: purchase and sale of the credit organizations as in interests of foreign clients, and at own expense and risk; studying of a financial condition of a bank, carrying out of preselling preparation; working out of technology of fulfillment of the transaction and carrying out of monetary calculations on it.
__________________________ A. Marin (The signature of filling) “___” ______________ 200 The chairman of Council __________________________ (Signature) “___” ______________ 200
14. The Central administrative board conclusion about the coordination __________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ The chief of Central administrative board ____________________________ (Signature)